For this weeks assignment, I chose to do people because my sister's boyfriend was coming to town. I took pictures of him and my two sisters playing Racko. For me, choosing my favorite photo was pretty easy. And then for the slideshow, non of the photos that were in it were to difficult to find. For this blog, I have to add in the best photo I took before I did anything to it. Then I can put in the finale copy of the best photo and the slideshow.
This is the best photo before any work was done.
This is the final copy of the best photo.
For the triangle data, or image triangle, the ISO is 400. The Aperture is 1/60 of a second. The Shutter Speed is f/4.5
Here are my ten best photos
This assignment, I didn't learn anything. All I know is that is easy to take pictures of people and it is also pretty fast. You can either take pictures of people when they know you are taking pictures, so they pose for you. Or you can take pictures without them knowing that you are. I decided to take some pictures of them knowing that I was taking pictures of them and some without them "knowing" I was taking them.
For this assignment, we had to take a portrait of someone. We would go to the library and there would be a set-up there for us with all the lights we needed. We would take a couple pictures with the set up and then we would take a couple pictures with a cheaper way then the set-up. It would work the same and give you the same results, just not as good results. You would take a white bounce off piece of paper and have your subject stand next to the window. Then someone else would hold the piece of paper and make the sunlight bounce of the paper and onto the subjects face.
This is the photo that I made that had both the light set-up and the cheaper white bounce off paper pictures.
Here are two more pictures I took.
For this assignment I learned about portraits and how you take them and how to put them in photoshop and frame them. Taking the photos was very easy. You just had someone sit there or stand there and take their picture. The bounce off paper was harder ten the studio one because you had to hold the paper just right or the light wouldn't shine on the subjects face. Sometimes the picture would look like the light was going to hit it just right but once you took the picture, there would be no light on one side of the subject's face. But all together it was a very fun and good project.
For this assignment, I chose to do black and white photos. I took pictures of different things and if they looked good black and white, I chose them to be part of the "collection". Some of my favorite photos were of things that were just around my house. I had to take at least around 100 photos and I could take them however I wanted. It was the easiest one I have had to do. I still had to pick a best photo and make a slideshow. That will never change.
Here is the best photo I thought I took.
For the triangle data, or image triangle, the ISO is 400. The Shutter Speed is f/6.3. The Aperture is 1/25 of a second.
Here is my slideshow of ten photos
For this assignment I didn't learn much. For black and white, all you have to do is take the picture and then turn it black and white. It was the easiest one you could chose, so you don't learn that much. There was also nothing difficult about this assignment either. So I would love to do this one over again.
For this assignment, we had to take at least 5 different panoramic photos. We would take at least 4 photos to make up these panoramic photos. Once we have all of the pictures, we would go into photoshop and photomerge them. With photomerge, you take all the photos and put them together to make them look like you took one picture.
These are the 3 panoramic photos I liked the best that I took.
For this assignment, I learned more about photoshop, about panoramics, and how to use a tripod. For panoramics, you have to use a tripod. If you don't use a tripod, your photos might not line up and photoshop can't make the photos into a panoramic. For panoramic photos, you also need to cover about one-third of every photo before. If you don't, then there are not enough pixiles to match up. There are so many rules you have to follow for panoramic photos.
For this assignment, I chose to do still life. The pictures I took were of pumpkins that I always put up for Halloween. I took some pictures with the flash on and you could not see the lights the pumpkins were showing off. So I decided to take all the rest of the photos with out a flash. It was easy to take the one hundred photos I was told to take with each assignment. The best photo I had to chose was the hardest to find because some of them were very good and others though were not that well. For the slideshow I found that pretty easy because I really liked at least 10 photos, so I just used those ones
This is the photo I thought was the best photo I took this week.
For the technical data, or image triangel, the ISO is 400. The Shutter Speed is f/3.5. The Aperture is 1/10 of a second.
This is the 10 best pictures I took this week.
For this assignment, I chose to do still life and I stuck with it. For still life, it is easy to find things to take pictures of. You can take pictures of anything you want. But the pumpkins weren't my first chose. I first wanted to take pictures of my violin, but then I didn't bring it home with me to take pictures of. Then I chose to take pictures of flowers. But to me, it seemed like a lot of people will take pictures of flowers for still life. So then I chose to take pictures of the pumpkins. After that it was pretty easy to do everything else.
For this Photo Assignment, we learn about and how to use more tools in photoshop. This one was a bit harder then the first one we did because there were a lot more tools that we had to use and some of the tools were hard to get down. But for this one we got a picture of a car that we had to recreate. I thought it would be pretty easy like the first one but I was wrong.
This is the demo photo we used for this assignment.
For my second photo assignment, I have chosen to take still live photos. I hav e chosen to take still live photos because I like the look of the photos and I think it would be fun to take this type of photos. I don't know what I will finally take pictures of, but inspiration will come to me soon.
For this assignment, I got a sheet of paper with 12 different types of pictures I could take. I looked them over and I thought I would do people because it would be the easiest for me. But while I was taking pictures of my sister, I got a great picture of her eye I could not pass up. So once I got the picture the way I wanted it to be, I changed my assignment photos to macro [close up]. I was told to take at least around one hundred pictures, then I would find the best ten of them. Once I found the best ten pictures I would make them into a slideshow. But then I had to find the photo I thought was the best and also turn that in.
This picture is the one I thought was the best. Hope you agree with me.
For the technical data or the image triangle, the ISO is 400. The Shutter Speed is f/6.3. The Aperture is 1/60 of a second.
This is a slideshow of the best ten photos I took pictures of.
For this assignment, I totally changed what I thought I would start with. I first started with people, then I changed to macro because I took a picture of macro just having fun and really liked it. I learned that even the littlest thing can make a huge difference in a photo. I changed the photo to black and white, then I sharpened the light in the eye and that completely changed the photo. Then I learned that when you take about 100 pictures, it could be easy to pick one of the best photos but yet it could also be really hard. When I picked the best photo, it was easy because it stood out to me. But all the other pictures were hard to pick because I had 99 more photos to pick from.
This week in digital photography, we got our first photo assignment. We had to go to photoshop and learn all about it. We took a picture and downloaded it to photoshop and turned it into a popart photo. We learned how to crop and how to use the rulers to allow us to have four pictures on one picture.
When we first started this assignment, I knew next to nothing about photoshop. But now that I have done an assignment that uses almost all the tools, I think the next assignment will be pretty easy. I didn't take that long to do this assignment, but I did have some mistakes that would make me pretty mad, but next time I don't think I will have any mistakes like that again.
For this assignment, I had to take 5 different types of photos. Framing, balance, space, color, and perspective photos. Before I got to take my camera out and take the photo
s, I had to take notes on them. I went to and found composition 2 and started reading. After that I went around the school and took some photos. I didn't take all the photos I wanted so I went home and took some photos that I really like.
Color - Shells up against a wall
Perspective- Picture of girl
Space - Elephant
Balance - Ducks in the pond
With this assignment, I learned that getting a photo to look right, it might take sometime. To get the best balance photo, I take a photo that I thought would be a good balance photo, but once I look at on the computer or the camera screen, it would look nothing at all like balance or what I thought it would look like. The easiest photos were color and perspective. Those all you needed was a thing with lots of color and put something in front of it. For perspective, you need to find a thing you can take pictures of and take different perspectives of them. Space was also pretty easy.
For my first Digital Photography Assignment, I will be taking pictures of people. I will be taking pictures of some of my teammates from field hockey and maybe some pictures of my family. I want to take pictures of people for my first real project because I am most comfortable with this. I don't want to take pictures of something I don't know how to take a good picture of.