Monday, October 15, 2012

Photo Assignment 2, Still Life

  For this assignment, I chose to do still life. The pictures I took were of pumpkins that I always put up for Halloween. I took some pictures with the flash on and you could not see the lights the pumpkins were showing off. So I decided to take all the rest of the photos with out a flash. It was easy to take the one hundred photos I was told to take with each assignment. The best photo I had to chose was the hardest to find because some of them were very good and others though were not that well. For the slideshow I found that pretty easy because I really liked at least 10 photos, so I just used those ones

This is the photo I thought was the best photo I took this week.

For the technical data, or image triangel, the ISO is 400. The Shutter Speed is f/3.5. The Aperture is 1/10 of a second.

This is the 10 best pictures I took this week.

    For this assignment, I chose to do still life and I stuck with it. For still life, it is easy to find things to take pictures of. You can take pictures of anything you want. But the pumpkins weren't my first chose. I first wanted to take pictures of my violin, but then I didn't bring it home with me to take pictures of. Then I chose to take pictures of flowers. But to me, it seemed like a lot of people will take pictures of flowers for still life. So then I chose to take pictures of the pumpkins. After that it was pretty easy to do everything else.

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