Thursday, October 18, 2012

Photoshop Assignment Panoramic

    For this assignment, we had to take at least 5 different panoramic photos. We would take at least 4 photos to make up these panoramic photos. Once we have all of the pictures, we would go into photoshop and photomerge them. With photomerge, you take all the photos and put them together to make them look like you took one picture.

These are the 3 panoramic photos I liked the best that I took.

   For this assignment, I learned more about photoshop, about panoramics, and how to use a tripod. For panoramics, you have to use a tripod. If you don't use a tripod, your photos might not line up and photoshop can't make the photos into a panoramic. For panoramic photos, you also need to cover about one-third of every photo before. If you don't, then there are not enough pixiles to match up. There are so many rules you have to follow for panoramic photos.

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