Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Photo Assignment 1, Macro

     For this assignment, I got a sheet of paper with 12 different types of pictures I could take. I looked them over and I thought I would do people because it would be the easiest for me. But while I was taking pictures of my sister, I got a great picture of her eye I could not pass up. So once I got the picture the way I wanted it to be, I changed my assignment photos to macro [close up]. I was told to take at least around one hundred pictures, then I would find the best ten of them. Once I found the best ten pictures I would make them into a slideshow. But then I had to find the photo I thought was the best and also turn that in.

This picture is the one I thought was the best. Hope you agree with me.


     For the technical data or the image triangle, the ISO is 400. The Shutter Speed is f/6.3. The Aperture is 1/60 of a second.

This is a slideshow of the best ten photos I took pictures of.

    For this assignment, I totally changed what I thought I would start with. I first started with people, then I changed to macro because I took a picture of macro just having fun and really liked it. I learned that even the littlest thing can make a huge difference in a photo. I changed the photo to black and white, then I sharpened the light in the eye and that completely changed the photo. Then I learned that when you take about 100 pictures, it could be easy to pick one of the best photos but yet it could also be really hard. When I picked the best photo, it was easy because it stood out to me. But all the other pictures were hard to pick because I had 99 more photos to pick from.

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