Monday, November 5, 2012

Photo Assignment 5, Nature

    For this weeks assignment's pictures, I chose to do nature. I chose to do nature because of the leaves on the ground. Some of them are bright red, orange, a sort of yellow color, and others are brown or green. I had some flowers that are in the house that I also used. They were yellow, red and and orange. Prefect fall colors. I also chose to do nature because when I went to see my papa over the weekend, he was talking about the flowers that he plants each spring and that he watches die and wishes that they wouldn't die in the winter/fall. So in this blog, I will show you the picture that I thought was the best before I edited it and then the final copy. Then there will be the normal slideshow that there always is.

Here is the photo before I edited it.

Here is that photo know that I edited it and made it look the way I wanted it to look.

The triangle data, or image triangle, the ISO is 400. The Aperture is 1/60 of a second. The Shutter Speed is f/5.

Here is the slideshow

   For this assignment, I didn't learn much, if anything at all. I did more in Photoshop this time, but other then that I didn't do anything really new. I had fun with this one though, but I wish I had more time to take pictures then I did so I could have a more expanded choices then what I did have. But I kind of to blame that one on myself though because I was the one who took o long of a time just not taking pictures, so that left a short time for me to be able to take them. Next week, I won't do that. I will start thinking of ideas for the pictures earlier, so I have more time to take the pictures.

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