Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Class Feedback

  It is the end of the trimester so class is ending. I have been asked to write a little bit about what I thought of the class in all.

  For me, this class was very fun. I didn't think anything was super hard about it, but sometimes photoshop would make me mad since I didn't really know how to work it in the very beginning. The photoshop.com that we used was very helpful and that was a high for me. It helped me get my photos on track and help me know were everything was. Nothing was so easy but yet nothing was so challenging either. The only thing that was challenging was that at the very beginning, I barely knew anything. When we had to do things [assignments] at the start just off of what we already knew, now that was the challenging part.

  But from all of this, I learned so much. I learned new things about the camera, about photos, and about things on my computer. My favorite thing that I am taking from this class is that now I know about all types of different photos and I know how to take them. I can take over for my grandfather know with taking the pictures on our family vacations. And I also loved that I learned about editing. I can take a bad photo now, and turn it in to something completely new. I am proud that I can do that.

 I have also been asked, since it might just be my very last blog, to put in some of my best photos.

This is what I think to be my very best photo and it is a photo that I love. This photo was used for macro, but then I turned it black and white because some of the things in the photo really pop now.

Here is another of my favorites which also happens to be one of my best. What I love about it is the reflection of the elephant on the table. I just think it looks amazing.

I turned this one in for light painting and I think it turned out pretty well. I don't think I got thee best grade on this, but I still think this is one of my best photos.

For digital photography, I might do it again, but I feel like I want to try some other form of photography. Don't get me wrong, I loved this class, but I want to know about other types of photography. I would tell people to take this class, I already told my sister and she might take it sometime in the future, because they will have a lot of fun. There are rules but there also aren't any. You can take pictures of anything you want, but it has to be school safe. But still with that one rule, there are so many things you take pictures of. 

Monday, November 19, 2012

Photo Assignment 7, Light Painting

  This week I decided to do a difficult one. Light Painting. Light Painting is when while the camera is taking a picture, someone is drawing with a light in front of the camera. When the person is done and the camera has taken the picture, the light that was drawn is captured in the picture. It can turn out really well or it can not be good at all. When I first started to take the pictures, it wasn't working out at all. Sometimes the light would be to bright in one place or it would look like no light is in the picture. But I finally got it to work and I really liked it. This week on my blog, there will be the best photo before I edited it and after. Then there will also be the slideshow of the ten best photos.

Here is the photo before I edited it.

And here is the photo after editing. 

For the triangle data, or image triangle, the ISO is 400. The Aperture is 4/10 of a second. And the Shutter Speed is f/3.5

Here is the slideshow of the ten best photos.


 This weeks assignment was really fun. But sometimes I would get really mad. The pictures wouldn't turn out the way I wanted them or the pictures would not turn up at all. The pictures sometimes would be black squares. I would be so mad. and sometimes with my room being pitch black, I wouldn't be able to see what I was doing and that would be bad. But like I said before, this assignment was really fun and I would totally do it again. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Photo Assignment Dictionary

   Right after we finished the pun assignment, we got a new assignment. For this one we had to pick two words from the dictionary, any words from the dictionary, and make a picture that tells what it means. The two words I choose were masquerade and myth. For masquerade I put pictures of masks and dresses that someone would wear to a masquerade party. For myth I put pictures of a vampire, dragon, fae, and a pegasus. With all of them being mythical creatures, I thought it would fit.

Here are my dictionary pictures.

   This assignment I thought would be difficult because we just finished an assignment but it was pretty fun and easy. I liked this assignment because the words I choose are words that I like and that I like to study about. This assignment was and is one of my favorite assignments. It is one of my favorites because of all the words people chose and the way they decided to choose to represent the word.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Photo Assignment 6, Food

    For this weeks photo assignment, I decided to do food. When I was eating my skittles over the weekend, I got my camera out and started to take some pictures. I first took some pictures of the skittles "falling out of" the bag. Then I took some pictures of the skittles filling the frame. The last pictures I took of the skittles were of them in some types of designs. For my best photo, I didn't change much of it. I just touched-up some of the skittles.

Here is the photo before I edited it.

Here is the final photo

For triangle data, or image triangle, the ISO is 400. The Aperture is 1/60 of a second. And the Shutter Speed is f/6.3

Here is my slideshow of the ten best photos


    This weeks pictures was pretty easy and I had nothing difficult with it. The only thing that made me mad was when ever the flash would go off, it would reflect off of either the skittles or the bag. This week I didn't learn anything new or even do anything new. So nothing was really learned or done differently this week


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Photoshop Assignment, Puns

   For this photoshop assignment, I had to find 3 puns I could make into pictures. It started out easy with the first one but then the last two, I could not think of anything. I had to look stuff up on line or/and I had to ask some of my friends for some puns. The three I chose were smiley faces and a camper = happy camper. Two dice and a snake = snake eyes. And a clock with with wings = time flies.

These are my three puns.

   This assignment, you really couldn't learn anything. We used everything we already knew. Nothing was new. This assignment was pretty fun but could be difficult. You could hear people yelling around the classroom asking for help to find some puns. It was fun but difficult.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Photo Assignment 5, Nature

    For this weeks assignment's pictures, I chose to do nature. I chose to do nature because of the leaves on the ground. Some of them are bright red, orange, a sort of yellow color, and others are brown or green. I had some flowers that are in the house that I also used. They were yellow, red and and orange. Prefect fall colors. I also chose to do nature because when I went to see my papa over the weekend, he was talking about the flowers that he plants each spring and that he watches die and wishes that they wouldn't die in the winter/fall. So in this blog, I will show you the picture that I thought was the best before I edited it and then the final copy. Then there will be the normal slideshow that there always is.

Here is the photo before I edited it.

Here is that photo know that I edited it and made it look the way I wanted it to look.

The triangle data, or image triangle, the ISO is 400. The Aperture is 1/60 of a second. The Shutter Speed is f/5.

Here is the slideshow

   For this assignment, I didn't learn much, if anything at all. I did more in Photoshop this time, but other then that I didn't do anything really new. I had fun with this one though, but I wish I had more time to take pictures then I did so I could have a more expanded choices then what I did have. But I kind of to blame that one on myself though because I was the one who took o long of a time just not taking pictures, so that left a short time for me to be able to take them. Next week, I won't do that. I will start thinking of ideas for the pictures earlier, so I have more time to take the pictures.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Photoshop Assignment

  For this assignment, I took picture of the school and then I had to put picture in it that wouldn't ever be there and make it look real. For mine, I took a picture of one of the staircases and made it Cinderella. I put her in it and the prince is in it, so are the stepmother and step daughters and even Jack-Jack and Gus. The pictures I show you are the picture before I edited it and the photo after I edited it.

 And this is the photo after I edited it

  For this assignment I did exactly what I wanted to do. It took a while to do it because I wasn't used to all the tools but I got it done and I like the way it looks. I had to use about every single tool  that was in photoshop to make sure I was doing everything right. I had about 8 layers and if I was on the wrong layer, the whole picture could have something wrong with it. But overall it was a fun assignment.